This type contains a
relatively high sugar content, because it is usually levied young to be burned
or boiled. The hallmark of this type is
when the seeds are ripe to be wrinkled.
As food, fodder, medicine
filler materials etc. ..
Terms Grow Corn is mostly planted in the
lowlands of both, rainfed and irrigated rice. Sebahagian are also in a
mountainous area at an altitude of 1000 - 1800 m above sea level.
a. Ground
Desired soil is friable and
fertile maize plants kerana need good aeration and drainage.Corn may grow well in a wide range of soil. Dusty clay is the best for its
growth. Heavy soils can still be
planted with corn in the ground work more often during its growth, so that the
aeration of the soil is progressing well.Excessive ground water is discharged through the irrigation channels are created between the rows of corn. Soil acidity (pH) is best for corn is sekittir 5.5 to 7.0. Land with a slope of no more than 8% can still be planted rows of corn in the direction perpendicular to the tilt of the ground, in order to prevent erosion malignancy that occurs when the big rains,
b. Climate
Climatic factors are most important are the number and distribution of sunlight and rainfall, temperature, humidity and wind. Place corn planting should get enough sunlight and do not be shielded by trees or buildings. If there is no radiation from the sun, the result will be reduced. The optimum temperature for corn growth is between 23-27 C.
How to grow
Seed taken only from plants and cobs are well and healthy.
Choose a large cob-cob, straight rows of beans and full, tightly closed - by kelobotnya, and quite old.elect of the cob, separate small seeds found at the base and tip of the cob.Only the average grain size and sound just taken as a seed.
When selected a very limited number of cobs, can also be used all the seeds found on the cob. Seeds should be dry enough and healthy, vigorous growing more than 90%, pure and free of debris.
At present there are seeds of superior varieties that are suitable for low-lying harvested with age (110 days), such as, Hope, Metro, Bogor Composite-2 and the old, early maturing are: interlacing, early maturing, Kretek, early maturing paper, Bogor Comopsit-10, etc. and high untuk.dataran is: Yellow Bastar, Bhima, Pandu White Chemistry "Rocol and others.,
Time of planting.
A good planting time is as follows:
a. corn planted in the rainy season / beginning of the rainy season. in September / November. Earthworks should be made well in advance, so that the soil in a state ready for planting. At the time the rain had begun to fall. Corn planting delays harbor until December resulted in plants suffering from the disease downy mildew (Downy mildew) are heavy and can cause total failure. Ditegalan maize can also be done, on the season.marengan / rainy season almost over, the month of February to April.
b. Ground fields are usually planted in corn is in season three musirn harbor, before the rainy season rice is planted, the season marengan after rainy season rice harvest and also in the dry season. Cultivation harbor for the season or early maturing varieties should be used rather superior varieties collected in the young, so there is enough time to prepare for planting rice ..
a. Tillage:
At the time of processing, the state should not be overly wet soil should be moist enough but so easy to do, and not sticky, until the soil is loose enough. On sandy soils or soil is not much light is required earthworks. On heavy soils with excess water, water needs to be made penuntas channel. Making the right channel and pembumbunan to avoid a puddle of water that is detrimental to the growth of corn plants.
Tillage for corn harbor must be precise and quick to do because sometimes the rain came early. When not had time to work the land as a whole since the time of planting urgent, then the earthworks can be carried out only on the row to be planted only as deep as 15-20 cm until the soil is loose enough. Based on the results of research on the ground: latosol and aridosol this way gives results that are not significantly different from the usual earthworks.
b. Spacing
Different varieties have the optimum age of different populations. For old varieties in the (± 110 days) as Hope Bogor, Composite optimum population is ± 50 000 plants / ha, planted with a spacing of 100 x 40 cm. with two plants per hole or 75 x 25 cm to 1 (one) plant per hole. Middle aged varieties (80-90 days) and early maturing as Panjalinan Kretek, optimum population is 70 000 t. plants / ha, planted with a spacing of 75 x 20 cm to 1 (one) plant per hole.
For early maturing varieties are aged (70-80 days) as early maturing Madura, the population can be increased to 100,000 plants / ha, even on fertile soils could reach 200,000 plants / ha, with a spacing of 50 x 20 cm or 50 x 10 cm with a (a) plants per hole;. Seeds were planted 2 -3 seeds per hole, then diperjarang at the age of 2-3 weeks after planting, in which the left upright and healthy plants alone so as to achieve the desired population according to the spacing used. The depth of planting is 3
Maintenance includes:
Corn crop will not yield a maximum when the necessary nutrients are lacking.Fertilization can increase crop yields quantitatively and qualitatively.
Nitrogen is a fertilizer, a key element in efforts to increase production. Phosphate and potash fertilizer with nitrogen memberikari better results. Plants that lack the element nitrogen, will appear stunted, light green leaf color yellow, the fruit is formed ahead of time and is not perfect:
Symptoms of deficiency elements, phosphate. clearly visible, especially at the time the young plants where the leaves will turn purple and green and then returned to normal when the plants get enough, phosphat. Potassium-deficient plants provide an overview as if withered, the edges of the leaves first turn yellow (chlorosis), then changed to brown and the leaves will fall dead.
Dose of fertilizer needed varies: depending on the level and type of soil fertility. For a while in general can be recommended, the use of fertilizers as much as 90-120 kg.N, 30-45 kg. 0-25 kg P2O5 and K2O per ha. On land that will contain enough potassium, fertilization with this element can be eliminated. Fertilizer given ditugal 10 cm deep, on both sides of the plant with a distance of 7 cm, the spacing of the meeting of fertilizer can be given in the array are made on either side of row crops: fertilizer N should be given two times, namely: 1/3 of the time planting, together with all fertilizer P and K, then 2/3 of fertilizer N is applied at one-month-old plants, or bolt in the hole as deep as 10 cm at a distance of 15 cm of row crops.
Weeding and Pembumbunan:
To obtain high yields, cropping must be clean from all kinds of plant / weed nuisance.One good herbicide to eradicate plant pests, in jggung, are Gramoxone, which sprayed the plants at the age of 3 and 5 weeks, each as much as 11/2 liter, dissolved in 400-500 liters water / ha.
Weeding by hand (hand weeding) is first performed at the age of 15 days and must, be maintained so as not to disturb / damage the plant roots.
Weeding is done once by pembumbunan both at the time of fertilization both: Pembumbunan is useful to strengthen the stem in the face of the wind, is also intended to improve drainage and irrigation bilama facilitate necessary.
Pests and Diseases
Important pests and diseases on corn is:
Pest. Seed fly (Atherigona exigua Stein)
Usually 4-5 days after planting the seeds begin to grow. Spraying to prevent / combat flies seedlings immediately after seed growing and protruding above the ground.Spraying is done at intervals of 2-3 days. Pesticides are used Basudin (Diazinon), Surecide and others, with a dose of 1.5 to 2.5 cc / liter of water. Seed fly attack lasted until the plants are plants ± 3 weeks.
Agrotis caterpillar (agrotis Sp),
This pest attacks the young plants at the time. Can be eradicated by finding and killing the caterpillars, which are usually found in the soil or prior to planting, soil insecticides are given in advance.
Leaf caterpillar (Prodenia litura F).
Attacked leaf fertilizer plant at age 1 (one) month. Eradication with the insecticide to be made soon as contained in the seed fly attack.
Leaf borer (Sesamia inferens WLK).
Strike at the plant has flowered.
Precautions can be done by spraying soon after the visible presence of the eggs are usually located under the leaves just before flowering.
Caterpillars of land (Leucania unipuncta, HAW)
Attacks the leaves of mature plants, usually at night, to reach the hundreds. Spraying should be done after the first symptoms appear and do not be late.
Cob worm (Heliothis armigera),
Is, a significant tuna destructive caterpillars. Spraying should be done immediately visible when the eggs are usually laid on the hair (silk) and will fruit or tuna: In general, spraying should be done bilaman required course, so the use-pesticides more efficiently. A good time to spray is early morning between 06.00 - 09; 00 or early evening hours of 16:00 to 18:00
The most important disease in maize downy mildew is a disease, or Downy mildew (Sclerospora maydis Palm). Plants attacked colered leaves whitish yellow striped klorotis direction parallel to the leaf veins. At the bottom of the leaves have white conidia like the grains of wheat: Attacking nurseling until the age of ± 45 days.
The attack on the plant as a child often results in death: The attack on the larger plant growth resulting cob is not perfect. Eradication, with fungicides or other chemicals that are effective to date has not been found. Eradication effort is made by removing and burning infected plants and replant with resistant varieties. Today there are several.resistant varieties such as DMR.S, DMR: 3, and some varieties, the offspring are still in testing (Hope, DMR, and so on).
2. Important diseases found in corn leaves which are rickshaws (Helminthosporium sp) and leaf rust (Puccinia sorghi Sehw).
Corn in general is just ripe to be harvested at the age of 7-8 weeks after flowering. Examination in the garden can be done with emphasis on the thumb nail on the weird seeds biasana be between 25-35%.
Harvesting should be done when no rain, so that drying can be done. After the cob peeled and dried until quite dry, and immediately in sheller dried until a constant dry (moisture content of ± 12%).
Drying until dry enough to be stored usually lasts for ± 60 hours of sunlight. Storage of dried corn that has been pipilan dalarn be kept clean and dry place.
Room / storage first cleaned and sprayed with DDT to prevent insect powder (Calandra oyzae L). Storage in bags should be placed on the dl wooden blocks as a means to avoid directly touching the floor. Seed moisture content is maintained so that no more than 14%.
Corn storage water level will cause the temperature gets hot in the sack and seeds quickly and easily attacked by pests damaged powder. Efforts to maintain water levels can be done by holding back any time for drying.